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 Event Systems

Aluminum Ladders

Layher aluminum ladders provide strength and durability at low weight and are used in all trades, as a location for light work or to provide access to high locations. Slip-proof ladder feet, grooved rungs and low weight ensure safety and ergonomic work conditions.
Wooden Ladders

Wooden ladders are robust and good value. They are designed for low heights, where weight is not a critical factor. A wooden ladder is the first choice where you wish to avoid aluminum abrasion on the hands. Above all, painters and drywall builders swear by wooden ladders.
Combination Ladders

Combination ladders combine the advantages of grooved aluminum steps with the insulating nature of plywood stiles. The main users are electricians and those working in high-voltage areas.
Aluminum Ladders

Layher aluminum ladders provide strength and durability at low weight and are used in all trades, as a location for light work or to provide access to high locations. Slip-proof ladder feet, grooved rungs and low weight ensure safety and ergonomic work conditions.
Wooden Ladders

Wooden ladders are robust and good value. They are designed for low heights, where weight is not a critical factor. A wooden ladder is the first choice where you wish to avoid aluminum abrasion on the hands. Above all, painters and drywall builders swear by wooden ladders.
Combination Ladders

Combination ladders combine the advantages of grooved aluminum steps with the insulating nature of plywood stiles. The main users are electricians and those working in high-voltage areas.